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Growing Chinese Cabbage

Chinese cabbage takes about two months to mature, so an early July planting will be ready to harvest before a hard freeze. Bok choy is quicker to mature and you can harvest it before head formation. A late July planting will be ready before cold weather. Plant seed shallowly, one-fourth to one-half inch deep.

Is Chinese cabbage hard to grow?

Napa cabbage (Brassica rapa Pekinensis), also referred to as Chinese cabbage, has a flavor that's sweeter and milder than traditional green cabbage. It's also no more difficult to grow than traditional cabbage, and it's very versatile in the kitchen.

Does Chinese cabbage regrow after cutting?

ANSWER: Yes, but note there is a specific way you need to harvest the cabbage. When harvesting, be sure to keep just enough of the bottom leaves in place to keep the plant alive. If you cut below the lower leaves, the remaining threads will wither and die.

What are the tips for growing Chinese cabbage?

And very versatile in the kitchen. Since napa cabbage is a relatively long growing season you will

What month do you plant cabbage?

If you plant in the spring for summer harvest, you should start cabbage indoors. For a fall crop, plant seed directly in the garden in early July. Cabbage will tolerate below-freezing temperatures late in plant growth.

How many heads of cabbage do you get from each plant?

There will not be just one new head, but several, usually three or four, but sometimes as many as six smaller heads will grow up around the rim of the original plant's stub. In total, the new sub-heads will provide as much food as the original cabbage head, but with a delicious difference.

Does Chinese cabbage need full sun?

Sun and Temperature Chinese cabbage prefers full sun or partial shade with 4-5 hours of sunlight each day. It grows best in zones 4 through 7 but can be grown during cool weather seasons in the spring and fall in zones 8-9.

Is Chinese cabbage heat tolerant?

Chinese cabbage is quite tolerant of cold temperatures but does not adapt to heat very well. When it develops primarily in hot weather, it is quick to form a flower stalk (bolt), oppose to forming a head. Therefore, planting this crop in the spring often results in disappointment when temperatures warm prematurely.

Does cabbage like full sun or shade?

Once your cabbage is planted: Let the sunshine in: Cabbages need full sun – at least six to eight hours of direct sunlight per day. Water wisely: It's best to water in the morning and at the base of the plant (soil level) keeping the foliage dry.

Should you cut the bottom leaves off cabbage plants?

You can prune the leaves any time you want so long as a head has started forming. Prior to that, the plant needs those outer leaves to feed the roots and the forming head. You can remove diseased or pest-damaged leaves at any old time, of course, to keep your crop healthy.

What happens if cabbage is planted too close together?

If planted too close together, cabbage heads will not develop properly. The closer the spacing, the smaller the heads. If you are planting several rows of cabbage, consider covering them with floating row covers to control pests such as cabbage maggots and flea beetles.

What happens if you don't harvest cabbage?

If you wait too long to harvest, your cabbage will likely split, becoming too tough to eat in some areas. In this case, cut away the whole plant, outer leaves, and all.

Why is my Chinese cabbage not forming heads?

Cabbage Won't Form a Head If It's Not Getting Enough Water A common reason why cabbage isn't forming a head is that it's not being properly watered. Water is so important for all lettuces really, but especially for cabbage, which is 92 percent water in its makeup.

What is a good companion plant for Chinese cabbage?

Plants like chamomile, wormwood, chives, summer savory, coriander, tansy, yarrow, dill, mint, thyme, hyssop, chervil, geranium, rue, sage, and oregano are all very beneficial companion plants to cabbage.

How do I increase my cabbage yield?

Cabbage needs nutrient-rich soil in order to grow and maximize production and yields. Some cabbage farmers apply a well-rotted manure and plow the soil two weeks before planting. They also report that they can add fertilizer to the young seedlings about two weeks or three weeks after transplant.

What should not be planted near cabbage?

Cabbage should never be planted near tomatoes, beans, peppers or strawberries. In fact, this holds true for all plants in the brassica family, such as broccoli, kale, and cauliflower.

How late can I plant cabbage?

Sow seeds directly into a prepared bed in midsummer. Some gardeners might wonder when to plant winter cabbage. As long as you wait until midsummer, you can sow anytime until late summer or even early fall in mild climates.

Does cabbage come back every year?

ANSWER: Cabbage plants do not come back year after year, as it is considered an annual plant, however, cabbage may actually be a biennial if treated properly. When harvesting, leave just enough of the bottom leaves behind to keep the plant alive to support further growth.

What is the best fertilizer for cabbage?

A diluted solution of a balanced (10-10-10) liquid fertilizer, weak compost tea, or fish emulsion is recommended. This can be repeated every two weeks. Once cabbage plants have been transplanted into a prepared garden bed, continue applying cabbage fertilizer every three to four weeks until heads begin to form.

How many cabbage plants do I need for a family of 4?

CropNumber of Plants to Grow
Cabbage2 to 4 per person
Carrot10 to 20 per person
Cauliflower2 to 4 per person
Celery2 to 6 per person

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